Wild Fox Sangha
An Online Zen Center in the White Plum Tradition​
A sangha for challenging times through
Zen Practice and the natural world

Wild Fox Dharma Guiding Teacher
Peter Seishin Wohl, Roshi, is guiding teacher and spiritual director of Wild Fox Sangha. His dharma talks focus on finding a path of compassion and loving kindness through the challenging times we are encountering. In addition to being a Zen teacher in the White Plum tradition, Peter is deeply committed to eco-Dharma, protecting the environment and developing an intimate connection to the natural world. He is a Registered Maine Guide who periodically leads eco-Dharma workshops and experiences. Peter is the author of "Wild Mind, Wild Heart: Discover Your True Self in Nature." He shares his home at Turtle Marsh Sanctuary in Unity, Maine, with Willie, his dharma dog.

The Wild Fox Spirit is one of spiritual daring and adventure.
She does not hesitate to explore the difficult questions and to move into the dark places.
The Wild Fox is not constrained by convention or propriety. She may seem iconoclastic.
Yet, at the same time she is strongly bonded with her ancestors, with her wild relations,
and with her human community, her Sangha.
Even when she is solitary, she is buoyed by the presence and support of others.
The Wild Fox's heart is open and generous.
She emerges in each moment, ready to respond to the suffering in the world
with compassion and loving-kindness.
The Wild Fox spirit is the spirit of Zen continually being born here in the 21st century.
Peter Seishin Wohl