Our Practice
Sunday Zoom Meetings
Wild Fox meets Sundays via Zoom at 10 a.m. Eastern Time. Meetings begin with chanting, followed by a period of zazen (Zen meditation). Peter Wohl gives a talk often focused on a koan and regularly addressing challenges we face in our daily lives. A discussion follows Peter's talk, at which time participants are welcome to explore the subject raised. Check out our YouTube site for a preview of Sunday meetings at https://www.youtube.com/@wildfoxdharma.
If you are interested in attending, please leave your name and email in the Contact section and we will be in touch with you about accessing the meeting.
Peter offers regular daisan (face-to-face teaching), by invitation, to students who have demonstrated their commitment to Zen practice and to the Wild Fox Sangha. Daisan is done online and scheduled invididually.
On the last Sunday of each month, we have the opportunity for an extended half-day meditation.
On the last Sunday of the quarter, we have the opportunity for an extended full-day meditation.
In October, we schedule an in-person multi-day retreat.
Sunday Zoom Meetings
Wild Fox meets Sundays via Zoom at 10 a.m. Eastern Time. Meetings begin with chanting, followed by a period of zazen (Zen meditation). Peter Wohl gives a talk often focused on a koan and regularly addressing challenges we face in our daily lives. A discussion follows Peter's talk, at which time participants are welcome to explore the subject raised. Check out our YouTube site for a preview of Sunday meetings at https://www.youtube.com/@wildfoxdharma.
If you are interested in attending, please leave your name and email in the Contact section and we will be in touch with you about accessing the meeting.
Peter offers regular daisan (face-to-face teaching), by invitation, to students who have demonstrated their commitment to Zen practice and to the Wild Fox Sangha. Daisan is done online and scheduled invididually.
On the last Sunday of each month, we have the opportunity for an extended half-day meditation.
On the last Sunday of the quarter, we have the opportunity for an extended full-day meditation.
In October, we schedule an in-person multi-day retreat.